想你的时候 is out on sale!

Our telemovie ‘想你的时候 aka Missing you…’ is out on sale! [youtube jTqOjv3GAxM&hl] The distributor InnoformMedia is kind enough to make some special arrangement for our blog readers. It will be send to you by post ( if you are lazy to pick it up from the stores ). If you would like to purchase through … Read more


权怡凤 宏荣 离婚 心里有好多话想对你说… 可是又不晓得该从何说起… 还是那一句老话, 快乐最重要. 不用怕一个人, 因为还有我们… [youtube ggnizWgkVPk&hl] 还有, 你自信的时候真的美多了…


‘陪伴着很多新加坡人长大,见证了我国成长路程’的报章…什么时候变了样?… 阅读这一篇文章时, 老实说, 有些纳闷. 报章不是该据实报导新闻吗? 什么时候也成了 变相的’壹周刊’,凭着笔者或’决策人’的’丰富创意和想象力’来大作文章? 无须求证就 能见图说故事… 而且尽是负面言词? 我不晓得新明日报是以多少人的抽样调查得出以下结论… 标题:新传媒阿姐范文芳,脂粉未抹,尽显残样. 照片完全没经过修饰,就算放大100倍来看,阿姐文芳还是美美的, 何残之有? 明眼人请自行定夺. +++++++++++++++ 标题:陈靓王宣疑似想打哈欠,却很用力的克制. 疑似= could be; be suspected to be;doubtful; ambiguous 为什么不能疑似看到艺人做惊险动作时的脸部表情? 而只会朝贬意的方向去想呢? +++++++++++++++ 标题: 杨志龙吃面包,馅料还占到他的嘴角. 单纯一张吃东西的照片有必要拿来如此作文章吗? 原来文字人是坚信’美女是不会放 屁’的…. +++++++++++++++ 标题: 新闻主播黄秀玲被拍到’大小眼’的照片. Umm… 我这一张是原照, 对于这标题我是挺有意见的… 是’斗鸡眼’看照片, 看不清吧… 就算,就算是… 有必要揭人苍疤落井下石吗? +++++++++++++++ 标题: 姚懿珊被拍到嘟着嘴,可能是因为台庆节目太沉闷. 可能? 可能=或许=联想 这样的假设, 如果我告诉你其实当下她是因为看到荧幕上出现已故四大笑将的画面 而泛起的表情,你会不会觉得这样的假设标题对节目制作队伍,姚懿珊或是荧幕上出 现的艺人有些不公平呢? ++++++++++ 报章拥有广大的阅读群, 如果为了达到’娱乐’效果和拉拢读者而毫无肆纪的自写自爽 … Read more

45载光芒 八方贺台庆

庆幸自己赶上了这班列车. 那么大型的台庆,电视台应该是第一次举办吧… 有机会主持这么有纪念性的节目,要由衷的感谢选角的决策人员. 好几个月的奋斗,为的就是这3个小时的节目. 辛苦了… 伟大的幕后功臣… 除了以上… 还有很多很多… 横跨几个年代的艺人, 还有参与电视制作的前辈们, 这一晚聚集在电视大礼堂, 回顾 曾经走过的路… 曾经挥霍的青春… > 还记得他们吗? 想念他们吧? More Pictures!

Look here!

Long day today…. Started with the Sheng Siong Show rehearsal in the afternoon… And right after the Live Telecast of the Show, both Kym and I headed over for another rehearsal… The 45th Anniversary Show for Channel 8! And… what are they looking at?… Remember to check out the show tonight!

Sheng Siong 4!

We kick started the latest season of the Sheng Siong Show today! Pretty fun and exciting, with the brand new games we introduced, thousandX cash give away etc… The show went on smoothly, ending it on-the-dot! 🙂 Our special guest of the show, 2 friendly artistes from Taiwan 神木与瞳 – 黄美珍,赖铭伟. 还是同一句话,娱乐圈这条路不好走,尤其是新人. 星光帮出身的他们实力非凡, 喜欢好音乐的人记得多支持,让我们被更多的好声音围绕. 节目结束后到了乌节路一趟. … Read more

Tigers kill Singapore zoo cleaner

(Starits Times) SINGAPORE (AP) — A zoo in Singapore says three white Bengal tigers have mauled a zoo cleaner to death after the man jumped into a moat surrounding their enclosure. Biswajit Guha, the Singapore Zoo’s assistant director, says the tigers pounced on Nordin bin Mondong, a 32-year-old Malaysian. The tigers each weigh more than … Read more


1330hrs On our way to one of the Sheng Siong Supermarket for filming… : which outlet we going huh? : Yuan Ching Road… : Oh! the one last time we buy 4D one ah??? : Ya ya ya.. you borrow money from me that one… : That time almost dio… this time must buy again… … Read more

What's up?

Some updates… Telemovie 想你的时候 will be launching in 2 weeks time. Been following up closely… 🙂 Went for the preview few days back… umm… think my acting sucks… haha. If you are interested in getting a copy through mail ( think VCD is below $15 and DVD is below $20 ), you can email my … Read more