I didn’t go MIA ( aka missing-in-action ) …
so there is no need to search high and low for me…
Wasn’t able to blog cause my internet access was down. I call the provider on Sunday, spend half an hour on phone troubleshooting. No outcome.
They say they will arrange for a technician. Earliest available time slot, Wednesday.
Guess they are really under manpower or everyone subscribing to them is having some prob here and there, that’s why a 3 days lapse…
Today, the man finally arrived.
With 1 look, the very professional guy told me,
DSL light blink so fast, must be faulty modem…
The whole assessment took only 5 mins.
Waited for 3 days, out of action for 3 days, and continue paying for the 3 days…
I’m using Singtel Broadband for your info.
And being a typical Singaporean, I email them. Will see what is their reply.
Even in my dream I’m hoping I’ll be the 1 winning the S$100 000 in the Sheng Siong Show 2 that I’m currently hosting with Kym Ng… take a peep at what’s happening behind the show…
Crowd-warmer YiQing
Our dear game assistance. One of them will be taking part in the upcoming SuperBand 2! ( I hear he can really sing… Woo… )
The 3 beauties … Star, Moon and Sun… alongside with our hairstylist from Twister!
Make up artiste who is camera shy… ahaha
One of the Judge, SuperBand Milubing’s Sam…
And my very hard working co-host, Ah Jie Kym Ng!!!
Planning my next holiday… short 1… might be heading Cambodia… to take a look at Angkor Wat… May most prob…
I am using Singnet Broadband also !! It gives mi alot of problem too !!! Sometimes get very irritated with them.. The techncian come 3 to 4 times liao.. troubleshoot liao then few days the same problem come back again.. Internet Light keep gonig Off !!! Lousy ~~~~~~
You finally updated your Blog, thought why you so long never come update your Blog.
I hate when Internet Access is down, Im using Starhub and Im having so much problems with their internet
Sometimes, I can DC a few times within 5 minutes. U can imagine how iritating it is. Somemore the light was blinking like crazy siaz =X
Do update your blog often, if possible. Cause I visit ur blog everyday
the same thing happened to me!! I’m using Singtel broadband too and I get very fed up on days when the connection(internet light on the modem) will just go on and off every few minutes >..
Ah, was missing you ! FInally you’re back ^_^
Mine’s singnet too, abit problematic ar. Always anyhow disconnect me ._.
My sis just visited Angkor Wat a couple of months back. She said her legs got stronger after coming back cos she had to keep climbing up and down all the temple steps XD
I am using Singtel Broadband too. Honestly, i hardly have the same problem as you all lol. Because mine got someone can help me to solve. Plus, i’m glad i had family member working in Singtel. If not, i really dun know wad to do, sia! Get him to solve the problem is the easier part. W/o telling him, he sure know how to solve le..Haha! Even he say it had nothing to do with our house broadband, w/o he told us, i can sense it had got to do with their internet access connection and wiring in the company. Because i had heard him saying that many times to me..The problem is either come from the company itself or oversea such as Sydney itself lol
Hi DK,
thought you are really MIA… or… so busy that you have no time to blog.
Yes, time to plan the next holiday !!!
( I will be leaving for Hokkaido tonite ….snow , snow, can’t wait to roll in it.)
Will visit ur blog next week :)D
I am also using Singtel broadband….bad connection and always down halfway when downloading or sending emails….:(
YAR LOR. The internet on my side also often down. It’s not like I never pay the bills lei. It’s very irritating and troublesome.
our dearest Rong Shao, misszzss u so much siazzz, keep checkin ur site everyday bt no updates, wonderin wat happened..busy or wat???!!
anyway, a gd 3 days to start writin ur book bt if u hv nt then too bad haa 3 days gone hee ;p
hihi i’m lookin at tis issue frm another pt of view..perhaps humans esp Singaporeans (i’m born n grew up here too) r relyin too much on technology n cant seem to do w/o it. i don deny its usefulness n e conveniences it brings to us eg: tt’s how i gt updates of u n being able to “talk” to u, bt emmm..w/o it we can still live on n actually very well rite! juz lik u managed to do w/o a hp for sooo many days durin ur recent trip
bravo & cheers to tt, n tis is exactly wat i’m tryin to convey 
my bro is w SingTel n in SingNet Broadband to be precise haa, tt’s life la everywhr u go there’s limitation n prob faced. there realli isnt very much one pax can do..perhaps mgmt can do something bt technology is juz lik humans it can juz ‘die’ lik tt..furthermore humans r e inventor of them yo :p we r e ones in control thus only imply tt humans r nt tt great inventors aft all loh…even e mighty/superior/great creator of humans…GOD, cant control alot of things too..shi wu nai de :l tt’s LIFE!!
don be affected by tis issue whr u actually had to email…, don be angry/unhappy..cool down Das..Cheer up oh k
w warmest rgds…
I am reading Dasmond’s blog from Perth. If Its any consolation to everyone, not every area in Perth has ADSL. My place is near a well known University and you will be surprise that there is no availability of broadband. Most people are still on dial up. I had to sunscribe to 3G wireless access and its $49.95 for 1 GB. Additional MB cost $0.15 per MB.
Be patient with Singapore’s ISP. It’s worth the wait. It will a long time before I get broadband here.
im using singtel mio~ tot that by using mio, everythin will be fine but less den 3 mth, it give mii alot of stupid prob…. telephone line, internet~~ -.- ez get dc~~
Hi Das!Great that u blog again…hehehe
I am using Singtel Broadband and it’s like slow in loading…
Das too stessed on job liao lah…jealous of ppl winning the 100,000…dun Jealous hor…and dun stress too much…
(P.S I did a film recently,hopefully U will Peng Chang and watch…get link from my blog… v(>
did not hear from you;
Singnet Broadband so irritating.
My also the same, but luckily, i have a father whose a profession on these
so my comp is under control ;D
Glad to hear from you!
support the blogshop shoppeshoppe.blogspot.com
hi, i chanced upon your blog through searching. i know this is out of point but i am hoping that you would help me out since im desperately trying to find my lost dog and am now hoping to get some exposure regarding my lost dog so that someone who spots her can contact me. i hope you can help put up a post about my plight in your blog or something… details are here…
details are at http://lostdoggie.blogspot.com
thanks… in advance and sorry to bother you…
winning the 100,000 – of course the lucky winner is very happy But items sold in SS – price up….
i used to use singnet broadband it also give mi prob but i’ve change to mio plan now…for the first few mths it give mi prob too but now ok ready….try considering mio plan
hey have you watched a film named 花樣年華 before? it’s acted by Tony Leung Chiu wai and Maggie Cheung, they have one of the scenes shot at Angkor Wat =].
RongShao..time to destress le, enjoy short vacation then..tdy e last episode of LETS SHOOT3, wat a waste ended so fast..miss u’ll guys outta..waiting part4 but % veri low..nvm, keep it up ur gd work in wateva u do,cheers;)
Hi Dasmond,
just to check with you pertaining to the diving lesson… Do you intend to reach out to the teens? Can you please email me on that?
Go Cambodia! I encourage you to go! I’ve been there before to do Community Involvement Projects, helping the poor and less fortunate people to build houses and donate lot’s of rice to them!
And You should visit Ang Kor Wat, one of the 7 wonders! It’s really majestic, and magnificent. It would be good if you can go there early in the morning to see the sunrise. The view is extremely romantic and perfect! I took some good pictures of the sunrise and it’s really very memorable!
I love Cambodia a lot!
my modem died recently too. singtel broadband.. i endured for almost 2 weeks without internet because no one want to call the person to check out the problem -_- finally i called and the person asked me to do this and that and told me in the end, “your modem is probably spoilt” -_-
i agree abt e singtel boardband service… i always hav prob after 12am in e night… n they taught me 2 toubleshoot but no use… den they say send ppl down 2 my hse 2 c wat’s wrong, whether is it a line prob… if it’s line prob, den it’s free… if it’s nt den i’ll hav 2 pay for it…
btw i jus been 2 cambodia during last dec… e weather there is damn hot… 37 degree wen i went there… but e angkor wat is nice… n u can enjoy e sunset there too… very beautiful… btw if u wanna go, dun take direct flight over 2 cambodia… it’s better 2 take a flight 2 thailand den go into cambodia by bus… den u can get 2 c e ppl life’s over there, c how they go into thai in e morning 2 work, transportin of goods to n fro thailand…
Well, broadband is ups and downs. If you know how to troubleshoot like me then it will be easier to resolve the issue. I have 2 router modems that I can switch if ever happen to be the modem’s problem.
I am a technical guy so this is not much of a problem to me.
Its pretty good if anyone can get the money hahas!Money can does wonder wors! XD Haha u very stress ah?Got alot of project and production going on hahas!
i use singnet.wah.sometimes call them can wait until vomit blood.lol.i had the same problem too:)
i Think beta dun take Mio plan.. Cos its All in One.. HOme phone , Internet , Handphone and Mio Tv(if u apply) Handphone dun give any problem. But Internet, Home phone & Mio Tv is a serious issue !! Internet Down all Down !! I am very irritated with it.. Regret signing Mio Plan.. Haix.. Dunno y so many problem Keep Discounting.. I try many ways of troubleshooting myself also no use.. Technincain come troubleshoot then can use.. But after 1 or 2 weeks some problem again.. Sianz.. Regret !!~~~~
Hi..I use singnet broadband too..when I start to use it, alot of problems occur and the technican came down a few times and kind of hard to call the singtel line to enquire etc..not that I want to complain..it simply took them very long to answer the call..perhaps like what yoy say under manpower or pple having the same problems too so they are very busy..
holiday again?!
oh, yiqing! he very funny leh! enjoyed his ‘warming up’. haha
and thanks for that sam pic! HEHEHEHE! =D
hi dasmond…
haha.. singtel broadband… mine is the most ultimate i think… the activation of the broadband caused my home fixed line to have no dial tone! called the cust svc… guess what happened? i was directed from fixed line helpdesk to broadband helpdesk to technical team to fixed line helpdesk to broadband helpdesk to technical team… for 4 DAYS (!!!) and no one can solve my prob.. standard reply they gave me.. “we’ll chk and call u back”.. “will call u bk to arrange for a time for technician to go dwn to your place” and best arranged a time, i took time off to rush back, technician no show (and the cust svc kept telling me he’s on his way)!!! me was so pissed.. but they covered themselves very well yah… no matter what channels i tried to go through, i can never escalate my issue to the higher authority!! my prob only get solved on the 6th day when a technician who looked totally overworked finally came… simply pay to subcribe to a service but got the existing service affected and it causes so much incovenience to my family and me and yah lor, still have to continue to pay for the 6 days …and, fyi, i emailed them also lor.. but from last nov till today, no reply wor… haiz…
sorry huh, 1st time leaving a comment but so much to complain abt…but 身历其境before, so got 共鸣.
( can understand ur frustration…
– from 22 )
Hey Dasmond,
I am also looking for companion to go to Cambodia … count me in
Haha, your hairstylist from Twister is my cousin’s gf. >.
i went angkok wat before. it is really a nice place. a place where everyone should visit if you love to visit places that is of differ culture. =)
Ah! Ang Ko Wah. – Cambodia.
It’s a nice place to go .. =)
I love their coconut keychain – engraved with names. xD
Tat day my internet was unstable for bout 1 week.. i call to complain and ask them to do i have to pay the full amount for tat month ? For the whole week my fixed line , internet , Mio Tv was affected. So they waived away 1 week of the bill for mi..
Really wonder if you do hv time to read all these comments. Surprise and happy to hv discover your blog. Y not blog in mandarin since you probably be more comfortable?
Enjoy your trip to cam.