Hey! Gorgeous @ TP

It was a very very hot day.

And our stage for the Hey! Gorgeous filming at TP was set right under the sun…

tp stage

So, we use all the means we can to fight the sun…

tp hottp hey G web 1

tp guys

But there are still the Brave ones… 🙂

tp stage backtp crowd1

And, here’s the babes and hunks we’ve hunt down, the 3 female finalist and 3 male finalist

tp galstp huys

tp 6 finalists

tp contestant web

tp ben & eve2

We had Joy…

tp 4 of us

We had Fun…

tp crew web

We had a whole day under Sun…

tp 3 host heat up


Look at how bad it was… @@

tp sunburn

15 thoughts on “Hey! Gorgeous @ TP”

  1. yox 22 … hmm … all e babes n hunks will be together 4 e comp rite… so they will be goin studio 4 e comp or wht… hmmm… can i noe when u all will b goin 2 nafa filimin n who is e guest who will go wif u all 2 nafa… can tell mi… pls… anw dasmond ah … y everytime after e css 2 show … nv saw u comin out… 🙁 1 2 take pix wif ya ah…

  2. Gosh, ah ben’s hair..very the “nice” man… 22’s hair abit like tao zhe lastime hairstyle..haha niceee. erm..ha SP like got more handsome guys there…ahem.

  3. Hihi.. Saw u @ TP a few times when we were walking around for lessons and lunch tat day.. It’s been hard.. e stage really place under e sun.. Gambatte!

  4. umm.. wont be able to tell u guys when we will be at which poly or tertiary, and with who doing the filming. Production team will fix things only when the date gets nearer. So, mayb, can stop asking me the question of who when where… 🙂
    Will update as soon as i get hold of any details k?

  5. Most of the candidates either self nominate or was nominated by their friends on the web. Only when we happen to come across some1 we’re impress along the hunt on the actual day then we will recruit them…

  6. arrghh! just to let you know, you’re such a better and more talented host then ben!~ continue being who you are and remember not to let anyone change that! jia you!


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