First Dive in 2008

The sad story is… I left all the precious memories that I recorded for this trip in the deep blue sea during my last dive.

I Lost my camera.

Koh Phangan

But dun worry… I back it up in one corner of my memory lane.

Some pictures I took during the open water course.

Open water course (70)Open water course (69)Open water course (68)Open water course (51)

Open water course (47)Open water course (90)Open water course (77)Open water course (8)

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Open water course (3)Open water course (9)Open water course (18)Open water course (67)

For info in diving matters, visit Gill Divers or call 67349373

25 thoughts on “First Dive in 2008”

  1. oh no.
    that’s sad lah, to lose your camera.
    but nvm lah, memories are worth to be remembered.
    hope u had lotsa fun there ya. =)

  2. :O Hmm. Actually wanted very much to see ur photos of the corals if u managed to take a photo of them. Cos still remembered the corals or underwater pics I saw in SharkWater. But I think ur camera may be a big lost as compared to the photos ba…

  3. dasmond… keep losing things huh… be more careful k?
    haha not to worry, who knows someone might surprise you with a camera wrapped in a ribbon!
    haha takecare..

  4. Hey Das…so lun zhun arh…better get another cam then snap more…i was thinking if canm is in water…over times…will there be any shock to the fishes???hahaha

  5. I cant believe what I read (your first sentence)!
    Dont know should cry or laugh.
    Didn’t you clip it to ur bcd?? *patpat*

    ( i tot i did… @@ – from 22 )

  6. Omg! Is that camera expensive? Haiz… its such a pity you lost the photos you took together with it yah? Anyway water world members can help to send it back to you?

    ( dun think so.. didnt take any pic of myself for ‘identification’, plus i didnt leave any contact number or so on the casing… should have done that. Loosing the camera is ok, it’s the pictures inside that I wanted it back 🙁 – from 22 )

  7. Hmm. In case u want to get opinion on wat brand of camera is good and worth buying, I may ask a friend for you as he is a photographer. Know more of the lens and camera thingy. Juz in case u might need some help. 😉

  8. maybe the next person who sees your camera is your fan & he/she will return you soon!
    🙂 happy very belated birthday. (pardon me, i’m always late in everything.)

  9. Sad to hear that you’ve lost your camera 🙁

    Memory card: $XX
    Camera: $XXX
    Beautiful memories: Priceless

    Take care!

  10. You may have lost the camera but you will gain something else. Wow! I see that you are very fit as we can see your bare body with muscles.

    Those are pretty nice snapshots you have taken. I think I should be encouraging my children to take up diving.


  11. hey! dont be too upset over the loss ya?
    though the pictures are gone, but sometimes, memories that are captured with the heart are most beautiful?
    Cheer up! 😀

  12. haha. so cute.
    u thought u did, who confirm? on the surface then realised??
    never do search and recovery?!?! Wahaha. Usually i hold in my hand (plus clip) till i get on boat.
    But even if u find it back, think the camera wouldnt work anymore also.

    so…my condolences. :p

  13. Hi Dasmond,

    My mum wants me to tell you that she was so delighted to see you that night at JB lol! Because you smiled and that made her day..okay night I think…outside some hawker center by the road..

    Yup thats about all..

    ( ha.. send my regards to her – from 22 )

  14. aiyoh, the camera u lost, izzit the canon ixus70 tat u juz bought??

    yar, the pictures all gone.. nvm, go dive again soon and take more nice pics! haha.. anyway diving season juz started rite?! haha.. alot more oppprtunities for u to dive! =)

    ( How’ve been man Bao Lai! ya… that’s the cam… will be heading out to dive again soon… not hoping to recover it la, doing it as much since I got time – from 22 )

  15. Ya, sad that all memories are lost……dun dwell upon it anymore…..I believe dat the memories r in ur heart, dats more impt!
    At least a lesson learnt – 2 be more careful wif ur personal belongings!

    Cheer Up, Das!

  16. Hope you dun be sad over the lost of your camera.. Cheer up ya.

    Btw. nice to see you during Mayday ‘s Press Conference. and thanks for taking photo togather wif me. 😀

    I would like to send the softcopy of the photo to you but not sure where i can send it to. Hope you can advise wor..heez

    Take Care.

    ( [email protected] Thanks – from 22 )

  17. hor hor 自拍!hahahahaha. im just kidding!

    anyways, 旧的不去新的不来!time to search for a new camera~~ =))

  18. Sad to hear that u lost ur camera. Cheer up.

    Sad that all the memories are lost but the memories is more important in ur heart.

    U go diving with who? MLB Sam huh? Haha.

    Next time be careful.

    Ur 自拍 is nice. Wow u are fit and tanned. Look like u want to train to have 6 pack? Lol.

    Hope to see u soon at mdc for sheng siong show season 3.

    Jia you,rest more and take care. 😀


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