Channel U 'AlwAys FuN' PaRtY!

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It was an interesting party yesterday ( thanks to all those who put in so much effort in organizing it )

So many of us were there at IMM!

Channel U FuN PaRtY
Channel U FuN PaRtY
Channel U FuN PaRtY
Channel U FuN PaRtY

And of course, The SuperBand 2 Top 16!

Channel U FuN PaRtY
Channel U FuN PaRtY

A rather good warm up chance for them… Competition starts 16th June.

Channel U FuN PaRtYChannel U FuN PaRtYChannel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTy

Channel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTyChannel U FuN ParTy

For more picture, click on the link below.

[youtube Pkg_nFwaKoY&hl]

[youtube DB4OJTURC9M&hl]

9 thoughts on “Channel U 'AlwAys FuN' PaRtY!”

  1. heyss.. ytd nid went to imm, bt i went dere late.. so cant see de front part.. hahahas.. overall i tink is great.. hahahs…

  2. hi..dasmond!
    went for the event ytd…i was standing at the left side and i remembered you said that your left side of the face look nicer…hahahaha funny ehh

  3. Hello. Thanks for the photo. Haha. U very fast upload pics n update hoh? Haha. Enjoy myself yesterday. 10 promises 2 my dog is nice show. Hee. U still got any photo of Nic & superband (ink)? See u soon again. Haha. Jia you & take care.

  4. haha. a charming dasmond ytd!
    saw u while i was waiting beside the escalator.. then u and the other hosts came slowly down the escalator. haha. xin ku ni le!

  5. To Jane: er.. is actually abt superband de. actually we can saw it on tv also.. hahahas..
    dey distribute quite late ytd n i tink sum of de pp had left so eu didnt get it bahs..

  6. hey bro, on behalf of ch U promo, thank u once again for ur generosity at the event yesterday!

    to everyone who attended the event (especially jane who stayed til the end for the movie),
    thank u much much for all ur support! we were worried few people will stay til so late, it’s afterall a sunday night… that was probably one of the longest (close to 6 hours including the screening) ch U roadshow involving a record 100 artistes/performers!

    pls continue to support dasmond… support superband 2008… support ch U! 🙂


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