For you…
Good morning world! Dedicating today to the very special woman in my life, my dear mum… It wasn’t planned, but you’ve decided to keep me 🙂 I hope I’ve done you proud… Wishing you the best of health and stay happy always. Love.
Good morning world! Dedicating today to the very special woman in my life, my dear mum… It wasn’t planned, but you’ve decided to keep me 🙂 I hope I’ve done you proud… Wishing you the best of health and stay happy always. Love.
Yeap, the gathering for the book 好摄之徒 was conducted yesterday in Tavolo Italian Restaurant 🙂 There’s food… door gifts… Lucky draws… Some of the lucky winners… walking away with designer glass, Tavolo $100 dinning vouchers ( proudly sponsored by Tavolo ). For the top 3 Prizes… 3rd prize Ticket Number : 2491 2nd prize Ticket … Read more
就突然有股冲动,想要记录这一刻的心情。 2010年的尾巴,好像是被夹着逃走了一样,溜得很快。 家家有本难念的经。 随着你的离开,我渡过了两个异常平静的季节。平静得甚至让我无法相信。 这是种解脱吗?如果是的话,为什么现在从内心把你再揪出来,会有种无奈? 有时候我真的希望人是善忘的。 庆幸我做了出书(好摄之徒)的决定。因为整段筹备过程,还有文字的撰写,让我有机会沉淀心情,放缓脚步,感恩地回头细数所得到的一切。 娱乐圈打滚的15个年头,老实说这老天爷还对我不薄。说不上大富大贵,但至少丰衣足食。 身边的贵人也很多。挡刀挡剑的不少,为我劈枝开路的也不乏。感激! 踏入2011,一开年就没让自己闲着。 ``` 小时候,每当农历新年快要来的时候,老妈总会在家开始撮啊捏的,烤啊烘着。 鸡蛋卷,黄梨挞,杏仁饼等所飘出的香味,充斥整间屋子。 想起来还挺想念那段日子的。。。 今年迎接农历新年的方式有了些改变。 我主动的和它搞上了关系。 试着想让自己更能感受过节的气氛,也想把这份新春气息带到你家里。 华人说,一年之计在于春。 迎春之际,希望来年会过得好,所以我才把它取名, 过好年! 新的尝试,很不一样的尝试。 正面交锋的时候终于来了。今天开始。 我会努力的 :)
Yeap, the get together for those who have purchased my book is here! The day is fixed on 23rd January Sunday 2pm- 330pm Location: Tavolo Italian Restaurant ( Parco Millenia Walk ) For those who had purchased my pictorial book 好摄之徒 online, you should have receive the invitation email. As for those who had got … Read more
Thank you… for being around all these time… Thank you… for giving me the chance to do what I like… To mark my 15th year into entertainment industry, I’ve launched this book… Using the pictures I’ve taken in Spain, to share some of the thoughts of mine. Selling price of the book S$28. You can … Read more
I’m flying to Spain in a few hour’s time… New City Beat! And yeap, all four Musketeers again! And this round, I’ve got 2 new toys with me! haha! Cool huh? haha! I’ll take tons and tons of pictures k… Some will be appearing in my upcoming book of course 🙂 For those who are … Read more
[youtube bi6RkYlOXD4] Stupid Ben! Haha! I know we all care! More and more people started to be mindful of what they are doing, whether is it harmful to the mother earth.. This shows how much we care 🙂 Taking it a step further… you know, we’re always being asked长大后要做什么? Last time was like 医生,警察,消防员,老师,律师… Now, … Read more