老朋友, 还好吧?

打从我在933和麦克风爱得痴痴缠的时候, 就已经非常欣赏君伟.
我一直认为我会红是靠运气, 而他那么受欢迎, 凭的全是实力.

这一两个星期我忙着隐居加力谷山修炼, 不晓得江湖上发生了这么一桩事.

很多时候, 我们跟一些人接触后, 总会有些想法.
因为我们有幸, 能用自个儿的眼睛看, 自个儿的耳朵听…

老朋友, 言之是否有物, 大夥儿心照不宣.

7 thoughts on “老朋友, 还好吧?”

  1. 杨君伟没有错,一定会有很多人挺他的。

    还有! 荣少的实力是大家有目共睹的~~ 绝对不是只靠运气啦~ 哈哈 😀

  2. I agree with yr post, (although i dont really understand chinese :/)
    Everyone has their own opinions, can’t blame him.
    Anyway, stay handsome!

    I enjoy watching you hosting 😀

  3. Thanks for sharing with us. I read the case in a recent newspaper but was puzzled what exactly happened. In any case, i just cant stand one who is so so particular about his salutation, tho he explained (in an interview a few years back) that why the “need” of change of identifications.
    To Jun Wei, you have my support. Some are just being paid to speak for the boss , “hu jia hu wei”, talked with an empty mind.

  4. But i support u most.. i from you becoming a dj till now.. i rem you last time always dj at nite i stay all the way till 2am after learning your good nite song then i go sleep.. miss the days.. hehe.. will continue support you…

  5. Hi desmond.It has been 8yrs since the singing competition hosted by you in 2000.You are always the best host ever in singapore man.Cheers and hope you still recalled the champion.(Its me). :} so long……

    ( Singing comp… in yes 933?… ha – from 22 )

  6. Hey Das ya its from yes 933.remembered i sang jacky cheung’s 3days 2nites.hahahaha.I m so happy that u r doing well man.


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