One fine afternoon.
We decided to order KFC.
*ring *ring
: I wanna make an order
: Can I have ur name pls?
: Dasmond Koh… (…sabo)
: Phone number?
: @&$/#%*
: Umm…postal code?
: &$@#%*
: Your address is *******?
: Yes correct.
: So what would you like?
: Okay, 6 piece chicken…and…
: You mean chicken drumlets?
: Nope…
: Oh, chicken wings!
: No, chicken..Those 2 piece chicken chicken..
: You ordering KFC?
: Yeap!
: This is Pizza Hut 🙂
: Oh no! You guys know what? After I talk so much then I know I called the wrong place! Arrgh…
I decided to blog abt this, just in case u didn’t know u can no longer order KFC and Pizza thru the same number.
This and this
cannot be ordered together… okay?
Dumb Dumb… Ha!
( I did something to my friend’s picture to protect his identity. And dun ask me who he is… Ha Ha! )
I know who is this friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha… Quite obvious leh… *giggles*
hahaha. this is funny =b
Yah kfc & pizza hut cannot be ordered together. Wahaha. Dasmond koh why u want to put sam pics? U sabo him. Haha. Can see the guy is ah sam loh. I going to tell him soon. Wahaha. =)
Hahaha…thanks for this funny incident ! 🙂
ps it’s pretty obvious who your friend is lor…. :p
haha! pretty obvious who ur fren is.. :p oops! heh.. 😀
dasmond! you sabo your friend ahx? wait his xing xiang all gone already lor. haha.. why sound so singlish one.. hahas…
i can totally imagine your ‘friend’s’ reaction when he realised he call the wrong number. maybe its because we know him pretty well. :PP
anyway hor, its so obvious who your friend is lors. -.-…. and its been quite long that kfc and pizza hut cant be ordered thru the same number.. -.-…
i knw who the friend u preferring to. hahaha.
really laugh until o.o
haha. only can say him forever blur and cute la.
buey tanhan! LOL ! =X
Uncle Dasmond…
Changed very long already ah…. 🙂
BTW, I have left Donut Factory too…
Auntie Janice
Hi Dasmond,
Don’t think you are protecting your friend’s identity leh? Its so obvious, one look already can tell who he is lor! Haha… Actually, you should cover the whole face, leaving his hair & ear to be exposed for us to guess. That will be nore challenging rite? Hehe… 🙂
HAHA… Sooo OBVIOUS We Noe Is Who Lo …
Funny La ~~~
LOL! -.-”
you muz be tooooo busy with your work that it has been changed LONGLONG ago. haha!
your post is damn hilarious!
hahaha .. pretty obvious who ur fren is leh .. =X
Hahax~ so funny joke…
LOL, the pic is damn obvious though. But your post is damn funny, i laughed till I going siao. o.O
But, I also very paisey, coz I myself don’t even know that the number change liao. o.O If not the next time will be me who will be a joke to my friends LOL.XD
Ok, better go off, hahas, bye, will visit your blog soon!! [: mentioned by others, the kfc and pizza hut hotline was changed quite long time ago..
Is so obvious who the person was..can tell..haha
Haha. So obvious la, the pix you put :p
changed long ago liao…and i guess i know who is that in the photo….(sam from MLB rite) and the location(MCS) cos background too familar liao…hahaha!
(the brackets can just remove,so no need to remove this post btw)
cover more of the pic lah, mke it difficult to guess, more fun that way.. haha!
Dasmond u are lame. Haha. So many ppl already noe who is that in the photo. U look great. Thanks for waving to me when i wave to u. What time u and sam left after the ss show?
it’s SAM! hahaha!
i mean i know who is tat person in e puc lorz.. is like so ming1 xian3. haha
This is so funny.. Really make my day, especially i also just order home delivery from Mac..
kind of obvious that it’s Sam from MLB.. haha. Dun need to protect the identity already. Try those mosaic the next time. haha… 🙂 Good day to you.
Nice joke. Should be doing it on 1st April. Then it will be quite fun and enjoyable!
This is great to have someone giving you a surprise.
Hahaha! I didn’t know that they can’t be ordered from the same number!
Now I know. Dumb dumb! Hahaha.
Poor sam.. i am also one of those blur souls who didnt know that the lines have separated.. errr… lucky now i know… but hor, how come the pizza hut staff never said is pizza hut..
it’s veri the obvious the person is SAM.. wahhaa.. he damn blur & cute huh..
so funny!
and luckily i saw your blog, if not i also dunno kfc and pizza hut became different no…!
dumb lah!
Funny entry! THanks for sharing Dasmond (got here via Bryan Wong’s blog).
sam from milubing
haha Sam , nice one .
ohyeah , that time the Bedok dental thingy.
can i have the full address ?
going there to check out prices of braces etc
( … try tell Dr Daniel you’re directed from this site and see what freebies he can throw in… haha. check this site 🙂 – from 22 )
ok thanks! the link u gave me didnt say anything about braces leh
( can call and ask… they have… – from 22 )
Ahaha! dasmond! very obvious who is it leh!
you wont rmb me. ahaha. okayy. heh.
ahaha! if you rmb css2 huixian! i’m from her school and i went to the live too! 😀