


阅读这一篇文章时, 老实说, 有些纳闷. 报章不是该据实报导新闻吗? 什么时候也成了
变相的’壹周刊’,凭着笔者或’决策人’的’丰富创意和想象力’来大作文章? 无须求证
见图说故事… 而且尽是负面言词?


45载光芒 八方贺台庆


照片完全没经过修饰,就算放大100倍来看,阿姐文芳还是美美的, 何残之有? 明眼人请自行定夺.


45载光芒 八方贺台庆

疑似= could be; be suspected to be;doubtful; ambiguous
为什么不能疑似看到艺人做惊险动作时的脸部表情? 而只会朝贬意的方向去想呢?


45载光芒 八方贺台庆
标题: 杨志龙吃面包,馅料还占到他的嘴角.

单纯一张吃东西的照片有必要拿来如此作文章吗? 原来文字人是坚信’美女是不会放


Channel 8 45th Anniversary (73)
标题: 新闻主播黄秀玲被拍到’大小眼’的照片.

Umm… 我这一张是原照, 对于这标题我是挺有意见的… 是’斗鸡眼’看照片, 看不清吧…
就算,就算是… 有必要揭人苍疤落井下石吗?


45载光芒 八方贺台庆
标题: 姚懿珊被拍到嘟着嘴,可能是因为台庆节目太沉闷.

可能? 可能=或许=联想
这样的假设, 如果我告诉你其实当下她是因为看到荧幕上出现已故四大笑将的画面


报章拥有广大的阅读群, 如果为了达到’娱乐’效果和拉拢读者而毫无肆纪的自写自爽

不公平. 或许执笔的面对某些决策人所施加的压力.如果真是如此, 那高坐在办公室的真的该


或许…. 每一个人以后一看到我拿起相机… 马上就会跑……


欢迎留言, 我想报章和我都想听听大家的意见, 也许我太偏激或敏感了一些需要被点
… … 谢谢! 报告完毕!

41 thoughts on “呜乎哀哉…”

  1. um, dun think so much bah.
    i think the reporters are juz trying to do their jobs to pull up sales..
    i believe they are juz exaggerating.. but how creative of them eh! =x
    entertainment news.
    cant totally believe one lah.
    i suppose those who read le would juz laugh and forget it.
    dun take it to heart ya? take care!

  2. Guess dat’s how reporters work. Something oudda nothing. I seriously feel the pictures are perfectly alright! And NO!!! Plz do not run away when Dasmond take pictures… (:

  3. This is so ridiculous. Please spare a thought for others and not landing people in shit hole… our entertainment scene needs variety, cannot belief news reporters are the ones destroying everything by lame reports. Sin Ming sucks big time!

  4. Same sentiments dasmond. I was actually quite shock to see the report in the papers today. I don think you will put such degrading remarks to the photos. Its always not gd to assume, moreover, to assume and report things that does not reflect the author’s comment. And furthermore, they had the guts to put your blog address in the report which i thought was not very right since the report does not reflect your opinions. Well I think they should at least make an apology, not only to you but also to the actors/actresses that are in the criticism spotlight. Somehow i just cant imagine how irresponsible reporters are nowadays when they ‘steal’ content from one person and make their own assumptions which are totally wrong. Seriously very disappointed indeed.

  5. Relax! (:
    It’s their job afterall, can’t really blame them i guess.
    For Felicia’s photo, i really agree with you.
    It’s more like a shock face’s photo instead of um, trying to yawn?
    Look at her eyes, it’s quite obvious(:

    45th is suppose to be a happy thing, so get over it!(:

  6. Hi Dasmond!

    Long time since I last left a message.

    Be careful here – you are treading a thin line. By exhibiting those photographs of celebrities, you are actually using your status as a celebrity to gain access to angle shots which may not be possible with non-celebrity photographers. If one of the photographed celebrity sues you for tainting their public image without your permission, your excuse “photography is your hobby” will not cut it.

    I don’t know what the reporters said about you recently but I think you should seek permission from those celebrities before posting these non-posed photographs up or other celebrities will shun you or even blame you for exposing their unintended facial expressions not meant for exposure.

    I know defenders may say this excites the entertainment circle news and done merely out of fun but public images of celebrities may have been cultivated over a long time and one wrong photo can do a lot of damage intentionally or unintentionally.

    Just my opinion.

    ( understand. Thanks ya 🙂 – from 22 )

  7. dont be too affected by the article ya?
    i think they seriously should transfer they energy to writing stuff that are concrete rather than 看图讲故事..
    must say they really have wild imagination…

    i think it’s seriously degrading for him to do such a thing.
    i’m sure all of us who read ur posts do not have such silly thoughts..

  8. Hi Dasmond…

    I think there’s nothing wrong with u putting up these photos…It’s good publicity for the show and also, I think many people would be interested in these “behind the scenes” photos, as it really reflects the artistes and not just the 光鮮亮麗glamorous look they always portray on tv. Besides, this is ur blog, and these artistes r ur friends…so why can’t u put their photos on ur blog? Besides, when I first saw these photos…I was more amused and captured than anything…n frankly, they dun look half bad here…(esp. not fann, hello?!? she looks nice in that photo lor!!!)

    I have seen the gradual change in our 晚報…nowadays, they keep trying to sensationalize the news, and the whole feel is just very “tabloid”… I am actually pretty disappointed in them for coming up with this kind of super 無聊article, with (i feel) ZERO news value…and I will be really sad if one day they become like the hongkong/taiwan paparazzi….

    Just my personal opinions… Dun be too affected by this ok? 明眼人看得出誰對誰錯,公道自在人心。I really hope this will not discourage u from taking and posting up photos in future….

  9. Hi there,
    mmm…Last night i jz browsed through ur webpage for the event’s photos because i missed the show ….. was impressed by all this snapshots as they are so ‘real’… and they are perfectly fine~!

    Just now was reading the paper but i was shocked by the title…. because those pictures not really as ‘jia lat’ as the description.

    anyway,i am wondering how these artiste feel after reading the this article!


  10. well, i just think that they’re lack of news…
    Singapore showbiz is too small… thats why minor stuffs will be magnified.
    dont be affected!

    sorrry but i am really interested to know are you using DSLR?

  11. I always visit your blog for the wonderful thoughts and wonderful photos you share. Please do not stop sharing…

    Different people have different perception of what a photo shows. Shin Min was just trying to influence people’s perception of the photos to create news & promote sales. Can they use your photos without your permission?

  12. Hi Dasmond, I totally don’t think that you’re at fault. This is your blog, you have the rights to post anything you want, moreover, the pictures don’t really depicts the artises in a bad light. I think the reporter which reported about you had nothing much to do, but to make topic. So, no worries okay, don’t take it to heart. 🙂

  13. 这年度,劲爆竟已成了种”美德“!不劲爆,没销量。你看新明、晚报的头版标题,都是如此。
    新明一向如此,看新明的,也都抱着“不能尽信”的态度 —— 至少我仍希望、相信,读者是懂得思考的,眼睛是雪亮的。谁会真认为你是故意拍下同行的窘样子,除非那人认为你不想干了。


  14. Hi Dasmond,

    When I saw those photos on your website, I thought they were wonderful as they show the ‘human’ side of the artists. At that moment, I feel a little closer to you artists, instead of those that I see on tv, always so glamorous and out of reach. I also interpret them as I see it, no malicious thoughts at all.
    The newspaper is really too imaginative and manipulative. I don’t know how those artists who are criticised will think but I certainly hope that they would not blame you. That would suck big time if they do!
    Keep doing what you think is right. I’m sure those who support and agree with you will always be there for you.

  15. hey, dun think too much k. I jux read the newspaper’s report today & i’ve found ur blog address through d paper. See they helped to promoted u FOC leh! how’s nice ?haha..
    Yar i agreed with wat u’ve posted.
    Jia You la.

    P/S- Fen Shou Kuai le to Ms Yi Feng

  16. 记得很多年前,有某位外地明星到新加坡以后,尽赞本地媒体。说他们很专业,不炒作,以事论事,更是没有狗仔的行为,所以该艺人觉得来到新加坡最自在,无需担忧被偷拍乱写。我对此事一直引以为傲。

    我觉得本地的报章会‘煽情’,很多时侯都处于一种 demand and supply 的经济学论。读者买就代表喜欢,喜欢就是包容这种报道风格。而标题‘劲爆’ 是风气吧。我曾在一位传媒人士的博客上,因其‘煽情’的标题而留言,回复是:标题需要引人注意。

    新明的这则新闻,如果仔细读,其实是不带恶意的报道,我反觉得是记者朋友有些用词不当(如:‘疑似’若写成‘看似’,效果会轻松得多),也忘了在标题的’真面目‘,打上引号(inverted comma), 也有点想把caption 写得搞笑,却似乎写着写着,就过了火。因此,也忘了笔下留情。



  17. The photos were candid and I feel that celebrities should show us (audiences) who they really are, without posing and acting. Candid photos speak for themselves, not with captions. Those captions only spoil the photos’s beauty and they restrict the viewer’s perception!

    I strongly believe that you have many experience in the entertainment industry and have come across many other articles that were spun out of the reporters’ threads. They are merely doing their job by spinning tales for the sake of hitting sales target.

    Just continue to be yourself and be real~


  18. 媒体的断章取义,为的只是吸引读者的目光,只能说是我们的媒体,还是处于“真空”状态,没有内容,只好从这些芝麻绿豆的小事挖掘新闻。

  19. Ya, i can totally understand how you feel… to have all the truth being distorted esp when the photos originate from you.~!! & the photos look perfectly fine to me..

    Yay, hope you don’t get affected too much by these *attention-seeking reporters* & continue to share more with us. I do agree that i love the photos u took..

    **Btw, those reporters gotten the permission before publishing your photo? Guess in future, will need to know the contents too. Jia You =)**

  20. hi desmond, after my dad’s case, i don’t believe in local news any more, wat they want is HEADLINE to attract readers, the contents is not important to them whether they’ve hurt the family or not.

  21. 看图说故事、挑拨离间,这些狗仔队的可恶行径,就连新加坡的媒体人都开始有样学样了。我本身看到了这则新闻后,就觉得非常的无聊。其实我们在朋友聚会时,都喜欢拍些照片。这些 in-action 的照片只不过是想要记录下当时最真实的感觉罢了?相信振荣你也不是像要丑化自己的同事朋友的吧?真的太太太太太太无聊了。

    希望新加坡的媒体工作者能够维持新加坡的形象- 公平、公正、公开。请不要在做出这些无聊的举动了!

  22. 娱乐新闻,如果安安分分登在娱乐版,我们当可一笑置之。



  23. 你拍的照片都是candid shot,很美,很自然。编辑头脑不是有问题就是故意制造新闻博销量。可怜艺人们被品头论足,没一句好话。算了,振荣,狗嘴里哪里长得出象牙呢?



  24. 我也察觉了近几年来,本地记者有效仿港台的现象,报道艺人私生活,做狗仔队追踪艺人的生活。
    没错,做艺人就是公众人物,得接受 (吃的咸鱼抵得渴)




  25. lol. this is so ridiculous.
    I hope they won’t mind you posting their photos on your blog.

    But never mind, take it as an entertainment for the audience.>_<

  26. i think it’s damn rude of them to just rip photos from your website.
    But i hope this doesnt stop you from blogging.

    看开一点,笑一笑 没有事情是 过不了的。 =)

  27. .. didn’t see it till I see our post. i believe what you post is what you want to show us about the real life of artists backstage, and that’s what i would like to see. in this way, i get to know other mediacorp artists better. It’s great that you are promoting your fellow mediacorp artists. pls don’t be discouraged by reports which put-down artists, just treat it as a FOC advertisement for those artists and your blog:)

    I believe your fellow friends in the industry won’t run away from your camera:)

  28. Hey Dasmond,

    Don’t fret over it. They are just being ridiculous as usual. I think you should be used to it now, just like all the other celebrities who were featured? Especially since the newspapers are published by a rival company. I think they just want to jack up sales, or perhaps come up with something more extraordinary, rather than the usual reporting.

    Anyway, I think perhaps they should have sought permission from you before publishing these photos. If you are really unhappy, would you want to sue them? But again, if we look at the bright side, perhaps the malice intended might not be as strong as the light-hearted humour that might actually be what the newspaper reporter wanted to acheive instead?


  29. hi,你好,第一次在这里留言呢^^


  30. well.. i agree with jasmine, guess it’s very rude for the papers to just strip photos from your blog..
    no wonder celebs’s blogs are locking up..zzZzz

    well..i seriously believe that it’s your blog..you can post whatever you like..
    and i frequent your blog to see those back scene pictures..which i really enjoy..
    i smile looking at them and forget awhile later =)

    the papers SHOULD NOT just took your post and 添油加醋..cause it’s very misleading..

    i feel that celeb is just human afterall..they always cant be GLAMOUROUS every second..
    just because singapore’s showbiz is small..
    艺人的真;善;美 is being magnified..

    cheer up dasmond =)

  31. 荣少。。。看开点,笔在他人手,嘴在他人脸,他人要怎麽写怎麽说。你拿他没择。不过真的要对那些被登报的艺人说对不起。


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