
One of my friend emailed me the following screen shot she took…


I always has the idea that my name was rather unique ( thanks to my granny 🙂 ) and there shouldn’t be people out there who will bear the same name as me. I did a search on the web…

@@許振榮擁菲國居留權 近日赴菲辦理放棄



@@膝關節炎新治療法 復健科許振榮主任


and the list goes on….


10 thoughts on “许振荣”

  1. my name also very common… there is even some with the same surname… hahas. your name…. i think shouldn’t be as common as mine… =). btw, ur previous post is funny…

  2. haa…think too highly of ur name liao. 🙂 doesn’t mean tt u hv not met one, proves tt it’s unique. i would put it this way -it’s not so common! 😉 Agree??! [“tian da di da”, “zhong you yi ge ba”..] my perception differs as i believe tt there must be someone out there, just tt i’ve not met this person. juz like alot of us choose to hold on to this believe -there must be tt someone out there for each of us.

  3. haha omg.
    ur name is very common wad! u didnt noe?!
    my name very common too! didnt like it.
    but cant think of a unique one leh.

  4. hi dasmond. (:

    went over my whole guestbook today and i saw ur comment to me on my birthday.
    yep,only realise about it today when i saw ur email linking to that comment u left me.
    thnks alot anyway. 😀

    better late than never anyway!
    see ya next time, and when’s the next party? ;D

  5. 嗨。第一次在你的blog里留言,虽然喜欢你已经四年了,从我来新加坡的第一天起。最近有看你的新戏,真的很棒,希望你以后可以演多点的戏。哦,星期一在白沙浮我有看到你,是去录影的路上吧,太惊讶了以至于我连你的名字都喊不出只能眼睁睁的看你走远。。。不知道什么时候还可以再看见你。期待。。。


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