NEA Show

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省电家族 Energy Savers

演员 Host
Dasmond Koh 许振荣 , Michelle Chong 庄米雪

播映日期与时间 Show Time & Date
从8月7日启播 每逢周四 晚上8时30分
Debut 7 Aug 08 Every Thurs 8.30pm


1. 教育公众如何轻易的在家中节省能源
2. 已比较有趣, 好玩的竞技形式把资讯传达出来

每一集, 制作组会选出3家人,让各自的家庭已$3000元的预算,将自己的家改头换面一番.为的就是要找出那一期的[省电家族].

– 在进行装修时,参赛家庭一定要将装修的概念放在如何能够节省能源的基础上.(例如:装置较省电的冷气机,把墙壁油漆的颜色油白色或浅色将能降低室内的温度等等).

– 每一集的参赛家庭都会依照他们房子的类别而被归类.例如:4房室, 5房室, 私人公寓以及独立式洋房.

– 参赛家庭将会有一个月的[观察期],在这期间参赛家庭的用电量将会被全权记录下来,然后和装修前做出对比.能源用电量差距最大的家庭将会成为那期的优胜家庭, 他们也可获得$5000的现金奖.

1. Educate public about domestic energy conservation methods
2. Provide entertainment with game-based show contents

– In every episode, 3 households will be pitted against one another to “makeover” their existing house to achieve maximum energy savings.

– In each episode, houses of similar demographics would be chosen (Eg, 4 room flat, 5 room flat, condominium, landed property.)

– Each family will start off with S$3000 worth of cash money to decorate their household.

– They must however keep the idea of energy conservation in mind as they go about decorating their house. (Eg. installing white window shades or blinds to reflect heat away from the house, installing awnings on west-facing windows, use of energy saving electrical equipment etc.)

– Progression of each household within the episode will be featured over a one month period.

– A “before” and “after” of the energy consumption is measured using an E-Tracker to detect the amount of savings a household could have saved if the household had taken various energy savings steps.

– The household that is able to demonstrate the highest difference in the before-after makeover will be the winner for that particular episode and will walk away with $5000 cash.